Welcome to M&M Investigations

  • Retired South Carolina Trooper
  • Automobile Insurance Investigator
  • Workers Compensation Fraud Investigator
  • Divorce and Child Custody
  • Certified Indigent Defense Criminal Investigator

Investigative Services

At M&M PI we think of our clients first. Moreover, we work hard at maintaining the highest customer satisfaction in providing information and surveillance.

We use the latest in technology based surveillance equipment and techniques.

These include but are NOT limited to night vision cameras, digital static surveillance recorders, covert cameras and G.P.S. tracking devices. M & M P.I. reserves the final decision on the use of G.P.S. tracking devices based on the ethics and legality of each case.


Criminal / Homicide Investigations


Family / Child Custody Investigations


Infidelity / Cheating Spouse Investigations


Other Investigations


Why Hire a Private Investigator?

Lawyers and private individuals hire a private investigator for many different reasons, but it's always about getting to the truth. Depending on your situation, we can assess your case and determine the investigative services we can provide to help you discover the truth.

Our experience and professionalism can be relied on to get you the results you need. Learn more about us here.

Need help?

If you have any questions or would like additional information, let us know, and we will be glad to answer your questions.